Connors Sullivan – Elder Law | Video Transcript
New York Elder Law Attorney
In elder law, clients are concerned with protecting their assets and we at Connors And Sullivan Attorneys At Law, PLLC work very hard at helping our clients to preserve what they’ve worked their entire lives to accumulate. And we do this while ensuring that their ultimate wishes are carried out.
At Connors And Sullivan Attorneys At Law, PLLC, we help our clients with their concerns by offering a complimentary consultation. And at that consultation we will develop a plan that takes a client’s situation into account from all different angles.
At our law firm we help our clients in obtaining government benefits. This includes Medicaid benefits for home care, Medicaid benefits for nursing home care and veteran’s benefits.
An elder law attorney has to understand a client’s picture and we have to understand the big picture. What may be the right advice from a Medicaid standpoint may not be the right advice from a tax standpoint. What may avoid probate may not minimize taxes.
It’s never too late to do your planning. But it is very important to get the right advice and we at Connors And Sullivan Attorneys At Law, PLLC would be more than happy to help you with your elder law planning needs.