Connors Sullivan – Estate Planning | Video Transcript
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New York Estate Planning Attorneys
The idea behind estate planning is to pass assets from one generation to the next. At Connors And Sullivan Attorneys At Law, PLLC, our goals in estate planning is to avoid going through court, avoiding probate, not paying too much in legal fees and probate costs, saving on taxes and saving assets from nursing home bills.
Our main approach with our clients is to listen to them, to hear what their concerns are, get the facts and then develop the best plan depending on their circumstances. A good estate plan tries to take into account all of the bad things that may happen and try to protect you from those things. We want to save on taxes but not at the cost of losing your house to nursing home bills. We want to avoid probate but not at the cost of paying more in taxes.
A good plan takes everything into consideration. Whatever your estate planning needs are, we at Connors And Sullivan Attorneys At Law, PLLC can assist you. Whether you have $20 million in three different states and need complex estate planning or whether you have $30,000 in the bank and you want to save it from a nursing home, we can assist you. We can help