Creating a will or a comprehensive estate plan is something that every adult should strongly consider. These legal solutions can be crucial in helping to sort out and distribute a person's assets in the event of death. While it may seem uncomfortable or frightening to...
Estate planning for your digital accounts and assets
Did you know that the social media site Facebook offers users the option to designate a legacy contact? Essentially, a legacy contact is granted access to the user's account after he or she has died. This contact may then post to the user's timeline, update pictures...
Can you disclaim an inheritance? – Part II
In our last post, we began a discussion about the possibility of disclaiming an inheritance. Popular culture generally treats the concept of inheritance as a welcome one. When loved ones pass away and leave their friends and family gifts of money, property or other...
Can you disclaim an inheritance? – Part I
When an individual receives notice that a loved one has died, the news may come as a shock or as a relief, depending on the circumstances surrounding the loved one’s death and the nature of the relationship between the individual and his or her loved one. When a...