There may be a time when you will have to pay the bills or make medical decisions on behalf of a sick loved one. Having a POA offers the ability to do those things, but the POA must be valid to be put into effect. It may be an easier process and ensure the validity...
The basics of a trust
Having an estate plan is vital. It ensures that your property or assets will be easily transferred to your chosen beneficiaries after you become incapacitated. There are numerous disadvantages of not having an estate plan, and they include family feuds, the exorbitant...
Why the Alzheimer’s ENACT Act has bipartisan support
The Alzheimer's Association and the Alzheimer's Impact Movement are looking at a potentially groundbreaking legal policy win in the Equity in Neuroscience and Alzheimer's Clinical Trials Act (ENACT). Alzheimer's is currently an incurable and ultimately fatal disease...
How to choose the best executor of your estate
Once you are gone, one of the biggest decisions you make when estate planning is determining who to put in charge of the estate. The position of Executor is not something to take lightly and can be a hard decision when multiple children or other loved ones are...
Power of attorney: Your legal safety net
Power of attorney is a sound way to manage estate planning. It gives persons or entities the authority to act on your behalf when you are legally unable to make decisions for yourself. The arrangement is set up in the event you're mentally or physically incapable of...