Lifetime gifting is a strategic component of estate planning, offering the dual benefit of expressing generosity towards loved ones while reducing the size of one's estate to potentially lower estate taxes. By transferring assets during their lifetime, individuals can...
Working around the death tax
When your estate has significant assets, then it may be subject to death taxes. These taxes can equal up to 40% of your estate’s value, and your beneficiaries shoulder them once you pass on. You might find this figure concerning, since it could reduce your estate by...
How do taxes work for irrevocable and revocable trusts?
Whenever money is involved, odds are high the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is also involved. One example involving estate planning is the use of trusts. Trusts are essentially legal tools that govern the distribution of certain funds. This piece will discuss how the...
When is an equal distribution of assets a bad idea?
It is common for those who put together an estate plan to attempt to distribute assets to heirs in equal portions. The idea behind the move is logical — each kid gets an equal share of the parent’s or grandparent’s assets. But does it end up working...
Taxes & gift giving: Did recent tax reform change anything?
An estate plan accounts for more than just a transfer of assets at one’s death. It guides financial planning, health care decisions and even how we gift. Anyone that puts together an estate plan with a one size fits all mentality is unlikely to make the most of...
Taxes & gift giving: Did recent tax reform change anything?
An estate plan accounts for more than just a transfer of assets at one’s death. It guides financial planning, health care decisions and even how we gift. Anyone that puts together an estate plan with a one size fits all mentality is unlikely to make the most of...
Three common audit triggers
Tax season is upon us. Those who are getting ready to file their tax returns may wonder whether this is the year they are chosen for an audit. Audits are generally not random. There are some red flags that can increase a taxpayer’s risk of a federal audit.For...
Year-end business radar should include a tax advantage sweep
Headlines at the end of 2017 heralded passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Many of the provisions of that law carry implications as we close out 2018. As a New York business owner, are you up to speed on the implications of the reforms for your situation?While the...